Insert stupid quote here.


I'm Aster, and this is my cool epic website. I have no fucking clue what I'm putting in specifically this area, lol.

I mostly write about my (way too personal) random thoughts in my little blog... diary... thing. Sometimes I do music recommendations. That's pretty much it.

Quick PSA: Profile is disabled because I realized I hate when people interact with me, lol. Nothing personal. If you want to contact me for any weird reason, uh... send smoke signals or something. Idk, I'll set something up someday.


21/01/24: Added some stuff to my "About" thing. Just some userboxes and buttons. Eventually I'll rewrite it a bit but for now that's that.

13/01/24: Made that "Enter" page I talked about a while ago, finally. I'm getting more comfortable about shit I'm talking about on here, which means I needed a warning for any youngins who come across this site. I think it came out pretty well, all things considered.

06/01/24: Added a few graphics, and a few music recs. Thinkin of editing my "about" a bit, but I'm not sure what to add. The way the header sticks out past the main stuff ticks me off. Realizing how often the word "fuck" is on here, and it's starting to get kinda funny to me.

21/12/23: Changed out the moon for a more compact one, and moved the stamps to the right side. Also added a few more graphics.

17/12/23: Keep forgetting to use this news feed, lol... Added a few more stamps, and a few buttons. Quickly running out of space though, so I might fuck around more with the layout to fix it. The moon takes up an insane amount of space but I can't really fuck with the proportions of it without it breaking. Might just move it outside of the layout so it floats off to the side. Haven't found enough graphics that fit my style for that to be an issue yet though.
Otherwise I've been just writing some entries in my diary (the blog page), and once in a while I add new music recommendations. Nothing big. Don't expect many updates here.

10/12/23: Added some blinkies, although I honestly can't find a lot that I like. Might make my own, tbh.
Edit: Made a Radiohead blinkie.

01/12/23: Added a font, tried to find a good one for a while but it turns out Roboto was literally just the font I needed. Welp. Gonna fiddle with stuff a bit more today but idk how much will change.
Finished my banner, might edit it more but it's pretty good. It's just a wider version of one I'd already made for a different site, so it didn't take too long.

30/11/23: Site is up. Fucking around with the layout at the moment. Added "About", "Blog", and "Music" page. Thinking of what else to put in the sidebars, and considering where to put a few blinkies and buttons.